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CONRAT MEIT  Circa 1518/19


Made for Margaret of Austria. ( 1480-1530 )


Brass, still with the original Bronze doré / Ormolu / Feuervergoldung.

Under the base you can still see the remains of the original wrought iron pin to fix it on a marble / stone base.

 Margaret of Austria paid on the 4th of August 1519

25 lb to Conrat Meit for the gilded brass Adam and Eva

After years of intensive research we came to the conclusion that we have made another important discovery, in this case the gilded brass sculpture of EVA by Conrat Meit ( circa: 1480 - circa: 1550 ) made for Margaret of Austria in circa 1518/19


Described as ADAM and EVA on the inventory list of Margaret of Austria of 1523/1524 in Mechelen and also mentioned in the exhibition catalogue of Conrat Meit in the Bayerischen National Museum In Munchen, on page: 28


To our opinion the well known magnificent carved wooden ADAM and EVA in the collection of the Museum in Gotha, high 33.7 cm, have been carved as casting models for the brasscaster of our EVA, high 32.9 cm, because there are striking similarities in every detail.

The difference in height has to do with the normal shrinking of brass after cooling down when the brass is cast in a mould. A brass cast is always slightly smaller than the original casting models.


 See also the extremely fine chasing on our EVA.


Also interesting is to see the similarities with the work of Antico ( 1455 - 1528 )


Two metal analyses proof that the metal of our EVA corresponds with the early period of our sculpture. We have compared this with the metal analyses of Otto Werner, the authority for metal analyses research.


Also the casting technic and the used materials  for casting our EVA  have also been used by Giambolongna and Antonio Susini


There have been made two X-rays by different institutions showing these similarities.


It is striking to see that our sculpture is cast in brass with a great possibility that it was cast in the area of Mechelen, because Mechelen was in that period known for its brass / bronze casters. ( Dinanderie ) and was the home town of Margaret of Austria and Conrat Meit .  


It is known that Albrecht Dürer and Conrat Meit were friends and that Albrecht Dürer was in circa 1520 in Mechelen by Conrat Meit and that he has visited the important brasscaster Hans Poppenruyter, who came from Germany and  Conrat Meit came from Germany as well, so there should have been contact between them.


It is also known that Margaret of Austria had contact with Hans Poppenruyter


Our research is still not completed and we hope to find further details in the near future, but we like to share already the results of our research till now. 


Our research report has already 47 pages. 

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Interesting Large Japanese Bronze dragon And Rock Cristal


Sculpture Meiji Period 1868-1912.

Finely cast, with fine detail and with beautiful original old patination.
The body of the dragon swings and twists in a triangle shape, with on the top one of the claws

Holding the rock Cristal “Pearl” 

In the Japanese art, the pearl is the symbol for: Luck, prosperity, wisdom and truth.
Overall in wonderful original condition, no restorations or missing pieces.
Japan Meiji Period 1868-1912

21cm high, 27cm wide, 23cm deep.

Grand Tour Impressive Italian Grotto Style Portico Clock, Italian/French Circa 1830

Beautiful decorated with more then 5000 different natural sea shells and red coral.

All over in very good original used condition with nice old patination, and still with the original ormolu mounts.

The movement signed: Cailly ainé. Cailly was working in Saint-Nicolas d’Aliermont (near Dieppe) in circa 1830.

Interesting is to see the scratched text in both of the clock springs, “ Septembre 1828”

serviced in Toulouse by Enaly A Toulouse le 31 Mai 1870. (note on back of the dial)    

The movement is fully cleaned and in working order, striking every 30 minutes on a bell.

It is very rare to find a clock of this type and period in the Italian Grotto style.

Another interesting point by this clock is, that the clock is also fully finished on the back, so when the clock was placed before a mirror on the wall or free standing in a room you can enjoy the clock on both sides.

56cm high 25cm wide 13cm deep.


To your information, all the clocks we sell are fully serviced, this is done in our own workshop.

The movements are dismantled and fully cleaned and our clocks are in working order.


A Very Rare and Beautiful Original Gilded Bronze D’oré Traveling/Picnic Table 


Still With The Original Bronze Patinated Top, Simulating Malagite, whole over with the original old patination.


Italy, circa: 1800/10


In the style of Luigi Manfredini 1771-1840.

It is an original gilded bronze travelling table, because you can easily unscrew all four legs and they are numbered from 1 till 4.


The sizes of the table are: Wide: 78 cm,  deep:  72 cm and high: 81 cm.

This table is in 100 % original condition and still with the original old patination whole over. In totally original untouched condition!


To your information:

The only place where we have seen the typical pointed neck hairs of the lion heads is in the famous design books of Percier et Fontaine, known as " Napoleon's Architects".

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Interesting Small Very Elegant French Louis Quinze Pendule


/ Mantel Clock, Circa 1750


The original enamel dial is signed Romilly A Paris = Jean Romilly born in Genéve 1714 he died in Paris 1796.

He became master in Paris in 1752, it is known that he worked with clock cases made by St. Germain.
The clock is still with its original gilded bronze case, original enamel dial and original fretwork gilded bronze hands.
Overall in very good old used condition, the clock is in working order.

35cm high, 25cm wide, 15cm deep.

St. Germain Very Elegant and Important French Louis

Quinze Pendule, Circa 1750

The gilded bronze case signed St. Germain = Joseph de Saint Germain master in 1746.
The original dial and movement signed Stollewerck a Paris = Michel Stollewerck was master in 1750.
The brass back plate of the movement hand engraved with the name of the clock maker “Stollewerck a Paris”
A identical pendule is in the collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris
The original movement still with the original verge escapement which is very rare for this type of 18th century clocks.
In fully working order, striking on a bell every 30 minutes.
Still with the original engraved fretwork gilded hands.
In wonderful original used condition, no missing pieces.
46cm high, 34cm wide, 21cm deep.
Provence: Christie’s Paris 24 June 2009.



A Magnificent Typical Dutch School Jan Kriege Hammered


Copper table lamp c.1920/25

Signed with the master stamp of Jan Kriege.
This is the fourth large copper object known by us by Jan Kriege.
The shade hammered out of one sheet of copper and also the complete base hammered out of one sheet of copper .
The other three objects, two of them  are in Museums and the third one, a hanging light is also in our own collection. One large vase 100cm high is in the town Museum in Woerden the birth place of Jan Kriege The Netherlands (where there is also a street named after him)
the other vase 80cm high is in the collection of museum Boymans van Beuningen in Rotterdam.
Already in his working time the town Museum in Amsterdam (Stedelijk Museum) was interested in his work and Jan Kriege became a respected craftsman who was also known outside The Netherlands.
A large part of his work was completely destroyed in 1940 by an airraid.
Our table lamp is complete and in fully original condition, the fabric has been renewed.
Jan Kriege 1884-1944 was a sculptor silversmith/goldsmith and jewellery designer, with a speciality in hand hammered copper objects.
In wonderful original condition with beautiful old patination, no cracks no dents no repairs.
35cm High, Shade 21cm wide, 17.5cm wide Base.


Benin Original Antique Large Bronze Ram Aquamanile circa 1900 (or earlier)
Very decorative and with beautiful original patination.
In very good original used condition.
47cm high, 47cm wide, 13cm deep.



Draft Horse, A Powerful Bronze Sculpture In the Style of


Renee Sintenis 1888-1965.

Standing on original fossil hardstone base, possibly indistinctly signed with initials on the horse’s hoof.
Circa 1900-20

In original condition with wonderful original patination.

Total height 31cm 37cm wide 20cm deep

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A magnificent very detailed gilded bronze large model of a Dutch windmill.


Made by the silver smith A. Schoorl in Amsterdam 

with the initials: Z M and the date: 1928

This model was made in 1928 for the opening

of: “ Het Zaans  Windmill Museum “ in The Netherlands.

The opening was done by: Prince Hendrik of The Netherlands,

who was the husband of Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands.

This model is after a design of Pieter Boorsma,

curator of the Zaanse Mill Museum

and made by: the silversmith A. Schoorl in Amsterdam,

for the occasion of the opening of the museum.

Dimensions: 55 cm high, wide 55 cm en deep: 36 cm

Still with its original periode display cabinet.

Price on application.

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Exceptional Copper, Malachite, Bakelite and Glass Design Standard Lamp.
Signed and Dated: Fabriquer Par Carlos Vidal 1-3-51

The copper has a very fine impressed chain and waves decoration whole over the lamp.

The bakelite top in the middle is very fine inlaid with copper, the top part of the lamp stand has eight malachite diamond shaped decorations.

The top build up with 16 wedge shaped glass sections.

We have seldom seen such a high standard and quality of design and craftsmanship.

France, 1951

180cm high 66cm diameter top

Price on Application 

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An exceptional very fine carved Lime Wood Black Forest Museum Quality Humidor / Tobacco Centre Piece.

Carved with 22 Gnomes,3 snakes, 3 lizards, 1 toad and 5 snails sitting on a mountain.

Carved with nineteen Gnomes who are drinking dancing and making music and with one other gnome with a normal model hat and two mountain top carved with faces, one of them is drinking out of a wine glass offered by a gnome.

Exceptional very large Centre Piece,


Total height including lid 74cm base diameter 28cm

Price on Application

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An important and rare Dutch silver lectern,
inscribed:  Maria Van Aken and embossed with the monogram:

I.H.S. and the family armorials of the family Van Doetinchem.


   Gerrit van der Bergh, Zwolle 1707

Gerrit van der Bergh was working from

Circa: 1692 till 1715

Fully marked twice.

Wide: 47 cm, high: 43 cm.

Provenance: Maria Van Aken

( buried before: 1722 in the Bethlehem Church in Zwolle.)

A collector from New York state 1982

The Barbara Piasecka Johnson collection 2009


Opus Sacrum the exhibition of the collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson in the Royal Castle in Warsaw 1990

Litt: B.Dubbe, Zwols zilver

“ Het Zwolse goud en zilversmids ambacht en zijn meesters”.

Zwolle 1999 ( with photo)

              A pair of silver altar candle sticks with the same

Van Doetinchem family armorials, made in the second half of the 17th. century, by the Zwolle gold smith: Derck Lambersen Bergh have the initials: VA ( Van Aken ) in addition to the Van Doetinchem Arms.

Till now on it is not known how the connection was between the family’s Van Aken and Van Doetinchem.

​Price on Application

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Royal Provenance 

Palace: Soestdijk, Soest, The Netherlands
A beautiful bronze sculpture
Of a wood gatheran,
Charles van Wijk,
Den Haag 1875 – 1917
​Circa 61cm high
​Price on Application

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Room view 

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Royal Provenance 

A unique, very decorative Djatiwood sable stand.
Mounted with copper rails with moving hooks.
Inlaid on both sides with copper sables.
Still with the original retailers mark for:
“ ARTS and CRAFT  Den Haag

Designed by: Chris Wegerif, who was the owner of Arts and Craft Den Haag  

At one side the stand shows the fine carved letter: “ H “,
Which stands for: “ Prins Hendrik “
On the other side the date: “ 19 April 1902 “
Which was the birthday of Prins Hendrik.
The carving shows sables and ships anchors
And in the centre at the top the Royal Crown.
Prins Hendrik von Mecklenburg – Swerin was
The husband of: Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands,
He became admiral in 1901
​186cm high
​Price on Application

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Royal Provenance 

Palace: Soestdijk, Soest, The Netherlands
A beautiful bronze sculpture
Of a woman binding corn,
Charles van Wijk.
Den Haag 1875 – 1917
48cm high
​Price on Application

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Amsterdam school.

A very impressive,stylisch and exceptional pair Jati wood throne chairs. 
Designed by: Jac. van de n Bosch (1868-1948) 
Retailed by 't Binnenhuis. Amsterdam (1900-1929) 
Marked for Jac. van den Bosch plus retailers metal label. 
With very nice and very stylish carving.
​Price on Application

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A Beautiful Large Pair of Pricket Candlesticks
Nürnberg , Germany 
36cm high
Price on Application 

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Beautiful Rare Dutch Oak 17th Century Armoire ( Amelander Kast)

With behind the two large doors two small
Doors with turned colomns.
Friesland, first half of the 17 th. Century.
This is a so called: Amelander kast.
This armoire still has the original "dry" wax patination 
This type of Amelander armoire is difficult to find.
total hight 232cm wide top 195cm wide middle 166cm wide under 174
deep top 88cm deep middle 75cm deep under 81cm
Price on Application

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A very decorative original Dutch Delft polychrome

Chinoisserie plaque,


circa: 1740.

In original untouched, unrestored condition and no cracks.
With its original period small hanging hole.

​Price on Application

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An original Sancai glazed Tang camel, Tang Dynasty, 618 -907 AD


An original Sancai glazed Tang camel,

Tang Dynasty, 618 -907 AD

with  Oxford Thermoluminescence Analysis Report,

taken from three different places of the camel.

58cm high 41cm wide 18cm deep

Price on Application 

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A very rare original GOSLINK  RUEMPOL “stoelklok”,


signed: Goslink Ruempol, he was a very famous clockmaker

in Laren, The Netherlands. ( 1682-1759 )

It is very rare to find a Goslink Ruempol clock

so well preserved and in principal nearly in untouched condition.

The clock dates from circa: 1730

36cm wide 65cm high 27cm deep
Price on application

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A very rare and unusual carved oak

towel – rail,

with the subject of the bust of a crownedLady, wearing a fur ( ermine?) stole.
Wonderfull carving and detailed.
Anglo / Dutch, end of the 17th. century.
Still with the original old patination.
Because of the subject and clothes, this could be Queen Mary.
​50.5cm wide 54cm high 19cm deep
Price on Application 

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A rare, very decorative oak hall bench,

beautiful carved after a design of Daniel Marot.

Interesting to see is, that the carved middle panel

with playing children is exactly after a design of:

     Daniel Marot, ( 1661-1752 )

and  this design is illustrated in the book about Daniel Marot

By: Dr.M.D.Ozinga.

The bench still has the original old patination and

was never painted,

the bench dates from circa: 1690-1715.

214cm long 135cm high 40cm deep


 Attributed to:

Ignatius van Logteren, Amsterdam, (1685 – 1732.)

Interesting to see is that at the front of a gentleman’s house

at the Herengracht 433 in Amsterdam two of exactly

the same Satyrmasks are carved out above the front door.

Ignatius van Logteren has done many facades and

interior designs and carved oak stair cases for houses in Amsterdam and many of them

after designs of: Daniel Marot.

Even more interesting is, to compare our bench

with the famous, large Dutch Delft blue

and white tiles, made for: Hampton Court,

( now in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum.)

These tiles have exactly the same panel and subject with the playing children as on our bench.

We have never seen this subject somewhere else,

so it might be possible that there is a connection

between our hall bench and the blue and white tiles made for Hampton Court.

​Price on Application

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A very rare and beautiful original gilded bronze 4 legs traveling/picnic table,


still with the original bronze patinated top, simulating Malagite,

whole over with the original old patination, 

Russia / Italy, circa: 1800/10

It is an original gilded bronze travelling table, because you can unscrew all four legs and they are numbered from 1 till 4

the sizes of the table are:

Wide: 78 cm,  deep:  72 cm and high: 81 cm.

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A very rare, small and elegant beautifully made 

Bur-walnut Amsterdam long case clock,


Circa: 1735

The movement made and signed by:

OTTO van MEURS ( 1714 – 1783 ) Amsterdam

( citaat……” beroemde horlogemaker”….)

( = famous clock maker )

The beautifull engraving of the dial of this clock

is exceptional with a portrait of:

WILLIAM the Fourth, Prince of Orange Nassau, ( 1711-1751)

and of his wife:

ANNA van HANNOVER, Princes of Orange Nassau, ( 1709-1759)

There marriage was in: 1734,
Also the signature is in beautiful calligraphy.

It is possible that this clock was made on

the occasion of this royal wedding.

Also very exceptional is that the whole walnut case

shows hollow corners, which we have never seen

before by any other clock of this type.

The three original gilded bronze figures

are still on top of the clock
For the complete clock see the room view image on this side.

Price on application

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A rare pair of: ROZENBURG figures,


showing a fisherman and woman.

marked for: ROZENBURG,1894

It is very rare to find figures like this,

because Rozenburg only made 10 of them each year.

in excellent original condition, no repairs no losses not restored!
20cm high

Price on application.

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